CMB Monaco Graduate Program - a graduate's point of view

5 September 2024

Laki Perovanovic

1. Can you tell us about your academic background before joining the graduate program?

My academic background is quite unusual. Before committing to university studies, I was a high-level basketball player. However, after deciding to end my sports career, I chose to transition to a more academic and technical field. I then undertook engineering studies, which allowed me to acquire a solid scientific and analytical foundation. Subsequently, I pursued a double master's degree in finance, the first at Kedge Business School and the second at the International University of Monaco (IUM). This combination of technical and financial skills provided me with a unique and diversified perspective before joining the graduate program.

2. What motivated you to apply for this particular graduate program?

What particularly attracted me to this graduate program was the opportunity to explore several Front Office roles. This approach allowed me to develop a 360° view of the bank and better understand its various workings. Moreover, the program offers the chance to develop cross-disciplinary skills, crucial for a successful career in the banking sector. The idea of gaining practical experience in different areas while having an overall view of CMB Monaco was very motivating for me.

3. How did the selection process for the graduate program unfold?

The selection process for the graduate program took place in several stages. The first stage consisted of interviews with human resources to assess my motivation and basic skills. Then, I took personality tests and technical assessments to measure my abilities and compatibility with the program’s requirements. Finally, I participated in an Assessment Day, an intensive selection day, which included various activities and professional simulations to see how I reacted in real work situations.

4. What were your first impressions and feelings upon joining the company?

From the moment I arrived, I was very well integrated thanks to the many activities set up. I had the opportunity to take a comprehensive tour of the bank, which allowed me to familiarize myself with the different departments. I also had one-on-one interviews with many colleagues, which facilitated my integration. Additionally, a team offsite event, including an Escape Game, was organized during my first week. This event not only helped me understand the bank's objectives but also allowed me to socially integrate with my colleagues.

5. Can you describe a typical day in the graduate program?

There isn't really a typical day in the graduate program. In fact, the "graduate" status quickly disappears in daily life, and we are fully considered for the position we hold during the different rotations. This means that each day can vary depending on the department we are working in and the ongoing projects. This flexibility and full immersion in each role allow us to adapt quickly and acquire practical skills on the ground.

6. How has the graduate program contributed to your professional and personal development?

Professionally, the graduate program has allowed me to develop technical skills in several complementary areas such as advisory, credit, and client relations. I have also been able to understand the overall functioning of the bank and its commercial management. Personally, the program has boosted my confidence, improved my public speaking, and increased my ease during client meetings. These skills are essential for my future career and have greatly helped me to thrive both professionally and personally.

7. Are there specific projects you have worked on that particularly stood out to you?

I worked on a project combining my first two rotations (Investment Advisory/Sales Management): starting from a blank slate, the goal was to create an internal targeting tool for investment campaigns, thereby optimizing the proactive proposal of ideas and monitoring existing positions for Bankers and Advisors. Moreover, by going through different departments, I was able to develop synergies and identify potential improvements for numerous projects. This experience provided me with a unique overall view and allowed me to contribute significantly to each department.

8. What are the key skills and knowledge you have gained from this program?

In addition to the technical skills already mentioned, the program allowed me to supplement these skills by preparing for the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst). This certification, prepared in parallel with my on-the-job training, enhanced my understanding of financial markets and investment strategies. It also added an extra academic and practical dimension to my professional development.

9. How do you see your career evolving after the graduate program? What are your long-term professional aspirations and how does this program help you achieve them?

My dream has always been to become an Investment Advisor, and my rotation within this service confirmed this ambition. The extensive and comprehensive experience of the graduate program gave me a distinct advantage compared to colleagues who did not benefit from such training. In the long term, I would like to become a team manager, which would allow me to combine technical and managerial skills. Initiatives like mentoring have already helped me progress in this direction by confronting the technical and human challenges a manager must overcome.

10. What advice would you give to future candidates who wish to apply for this graduate program?

My main advice to future candidates would be to be motivated and passionate. The goal of the program is to train the talents of tomorrow, so authenticity and commitment are essential. I would also advise them to remain themselves throughout the process because it is their personality and passion that will make the difference and help them stand out.

11. Finally, do you have an anecdote or a memorable experience to share from your time in the graduate program?

A memorable experience from my time in the graduate program is leading my first morning meeting. Presenting a market review and pitching investment ideas to the entire bank was an impressive and stimulating experience. This first time remains etched in my memory as a moment of personal and professional challenge, where I was able to demonstrate my skills and my ability to effectively communicate complex information to a wide audience.